Wastewater Treatability Studies

wastewater treatability studies

Any project design is a complex structure. While designing of wastewater treatment plant of industrial effluent, it is always advisable to do treatability and feasibility study to carry out the proposed treatment scheme.

To do wastewater treatability study it is necessary to gather all information such as quality, quantity, composition and expected use of treated water.

As PRAKRRITI, we have vast experience in conducting on-site or off-site treatability studies. We have already successfully conducted wastewater treatability studies for FOOD, speciality chemicals, organic chemical compounds effluent.

To support this we have well-equipped laboratory infrastructure along with will well-trained professionals. We also manufacture pilot plants for on-site treatability studies.


Treatability studies are essential for determining the most effective treatment methods for various types of wastewater. These studies help evaluate the feasibility of different treatment technologies and processes based on the specific characteristics of the wastewater. Here’s a breakdown of the types of wastewater that can be studied through treatability studies:

1. Municipal Wastewater:

  • Domestic Sewage: Wastewater from residential sources, including sinks, toilets, showers, and washing machines.
  • Combined Sewage: A mix of domestic sewage and stormwater runoff in combined sewer systems.
  • Septic Tank Effluent: Wastewater from septic tanks, often including solids and organic matter that require treatment.

2. Industrial Wastewater:

  • Food and Beverage Industry: Wastewater from food processing, beverage manufacturing, dairy production, and meat processing, often containing organic material, fats, oils, and greases.
  • Textile Industry: Wastewater from dyeing, finishing, and washing processes in textile manufacturing, often containing dyes, chemicals, and high levels of suspended solids.
  • Chemical Manufacturing: Wastewater from chemical production facilities, which may include a variety of chemicals, solvents, and by-products.
  • Pulp and Paper Industry: Wastewater from paper mills, often containing lignin, cellulose, and other organic materials.

3. Healthcare and Pharmaceutical Wastewater:

  • Hospital Effluent: Wastewater from hospitals and healthcare facilities, which may include pharmaceuticals, disinfectants, and medical waste.
  • Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: Wastewater from pharmaceutical production, potentially containing active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), solvents, and contaminants.

4. Agricultural Wastewater:

  • Animal Waste: Wastewater from livestock operations, including manure and wash water, which may contain nutrients, pathogens, and organic matter.
  • Agricultural Runoff: Surface runoff from agricultural fields that may contain fertilizers, pesticides, and sediment.

5. Oil and Gas Wastewater:

  • Produced Water: Wastewater generated during oil and gas extraction, often containing hydrocarbons, salts, and other contaminants.
  • Drilling Mud: Wastewater from drilling operations, which may include chemicals, clay, and other additives.

6. Mining Wastewater:

  • Acid Mine Drainage: Acidic wastewater resulting from mining activities, often containing heavy metals and sulfuric acid.
  • Process Water: Wastewater from mineral processing and extraction, which may contain particulate matter, chemicals, and heavy metals.

7. Municipal and Industrial Sludges:

  • Primary and Secondary Sludge: Sludge from wastewater treatment plants, including biosolids and activated sludge, which requires further treatment or stabilization.

8. Stormwater:

  • Urban Runoff: Stormwater runoff from urban areas, which may include pollutants from streets, parking lots, and industrial areas.
  • Agricultural Runoff: Runoff from agricultural lands that may carry pesticides, fertilizers, and organic matter.

9. Landfill Leachate:

  • Leachate: Wastewater that drains from landfills, which may contain organic and inorganic pollutants, heavy metals, and other contaminants.

10. Specialty Wastewater:

  • High-Strength Wastewater: Wastewater with high concentrations of organic matter, fats, oils, and greases, often from industrial processes.
  • Low-BOD Wastewater: Wastewater with low biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), which may require specialized treatment methods.

By conducting treatability studies, we can assess the most appropriate treatment methods for each type of wastewater, ensuring effective and efficient management of diverse wastewater challenges. Contact us today to discuss your specific wastewater needs and explore how our expertise can help optimize your treatment solutions.

Objectives of Treatability Studies

Treatability studies aim to:

  • Evaluate Treatment Options: Assess the effectiveness of various treatment technologies and processes for the specific wastewater type
  • Optimize Process Conditions: Determine the optimal operating conditions, such as temperature, pH, and chemical dosages.
  • Design Treatment Systems: Provide data for designing and scaling up treatment systems for full-scale implementation
  • Compliance: Ensure that treated wastewater meets regulatory discharge standards and requirements.

By conducting treatability studies, PRAKRRITI ENTERPRISES can provide tailored recommendations and solutions for effectively managing and treating different types of wastewater. If you have specific wastewater types or treatment needs, please contact us to discuss how we can assist with your treatability studies.

During a treatability study, various parameters are analyzed to determine the most effective treatment methods for specific types of wastewater. The choice of parameters depends on the nature of the wastewater and the objectives of the study. Here are the key parameters typically analyzed:

1. Physical Parameters:

  • pH: Measures the acidity or alkalinity of the wastewater, which affects the efficiency of many treatment processes.
  • Temperature: Affects chemical reactions and biological processes in treatment systems.
  • Turbidity: Indicates the cloudiness of the water due to suspended solids.
  • Total Suspended Solids (TSS): Measures the amount of suspended material in the wastewater.

2. Chemical Parameters:

  • Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD): Indicates the amount of oxygen required by microorganisms to decompose organic matter.
  • Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD): Measures the total amount of oxygen required to oxidize organic and inorganic substances.
  • Total Organic Carbon (TOC): Represents the amount of carbon found in organic compounds.
  • Nutrients: Includes nitrogen (e.g., ammonia, nitrate, nitrite) and phosphorus, which can contribute to eutrophication.
  • Heavy Metals: Analysis of metals such as lead, mercury, cadmium, and chromium, which may be toxic.
  • Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): Measures the concentration of dissolved substances in the wastewater.
  • Dissolved Oxygen (DO): Indicates the amount of oxygen available for aerobic microbial processes.

3. Biological Parameters:

  • Microbial Activity: Assesses the activity of microorganisms involved in biological treatment processes, such as nitrification and denitrification.
  • Sludge Characteristics: Includes parameters like sludge volume index (SVI) and settling characteristics, which impact sludge handling and treatment.

4. Contaminants:

  • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs): Measures the concentration of organic chemicals that can evaporate into the air.
  • Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products (PPCPs): Identifies trace levels of pharmaceuticals and chemicals from personal care products.
  • Toxicity Testing: Assesses the potential toxic effects of the wastewater on aquatic life and microorganisms.

5. Process-Specific Parameters:

  • Flocculation and Coagulation: Evaluates the effectiveness of chemicals used to aid in the removal of suspended solids.
  • Filtration Efficiency: Measures the performance of filtration systems in removing particles and contaminants.
  • Adsorption Capacity: Assesses the ability of materials (e.g., activated carbon) to adsorb pollutants.

6. Operational Parameters:

  • Retention Time: Determines the time required for wastewater to remain in a treatment system.
  • Chemical Dosage: Evaluates the amount and type of chemicals needed for effective treatment.
  • Hydraulic Loading Rate: Measures the volume of wastewater applied to a treatment system per unit area or volume.

7. Disinfection Parameters:

  • Residual Chlorine: Measures the amount of chlorine remaining after disinfection.
  • Coliform Bacteria: Assesses the presence of coliforms to evaluate the effectiveness of disinfection.

8. Additional Parameters:

  • Color: Measures the color of the wastewater, which can indicate the presence of certain contaminants.
  • Odor: Evaluates any unpleasant smells, which may be indicative of specific types of pollutants.

Objectives of Analyzing These Parameters:

  • Evaluate Treatment Efficiency: Determine how well different treatment methods remove contaminants and meet discharge standards.
  • Optimize Treatment Processes: Identify the optimal conditions for effective treatment, including chemical dosages and operational settings.
  • Design Treatment Systems: Provide data to design and scale up treatment systems for full-scale implementation.
  • Ensure Compliance: Verify that treated wastewater meets regulatory requirements and environmental standards.

By analyzing these parameters, PRAKRRITI ENTERPRISES can develop tailored treatment solutions that address the specific characteristics of the wastewater and ensure effective and efficient treatment. If you have specific parameters or needs for your treatability study, please contact us to discuss how we can assist you.

A wastewater treatability study provides valuable insights and data to guide the design and implementation of effective treatment solutions. Here are the typical deliverables you can expect from a treatability study:

1. Study Report:

  • Executive Summary: A high-level overview of the study’s objectives, key findings, and recommendations.
  • Introduction: Background information on the wastewater type, sources, and treatment goals.
  • Methodology: Description of the procedures, equipment, and protocols used during the study.
  • Data Analysis: Detailed analysis of the data collected, including trends, patterns, and key observations.

2. Data and Results:

  • Raw Data: Comprehensive data sets from laboratory tests and field measurements.
  • Graphs and Charts: Visual representations of data, such as graphs, charts, and tables, to illustrate key results and trends.
  • Parameter Analysis: Detailed results for analyzed parameters, including physical, chemical, biological, and operational characteristics.

3. Treatment Recommendations:

  • Treatment Options: Evaluation of different treatment technologies and processes based on the study results.
  • Feasibility Assessment: Assessment of the feasibility of each treatment option, including cost, efficiency, and scalability.
  • Optimization Suggestions: Recommendations for optimizing treatment processes, including operational conditions and chemical dosages.

4. Design and Implementation Guidelines:

  • System Design: Recommendations for designing the treatment system, including equipment specifications and process flow diagrams.
  • Implementation Plan: Steps and timeline for implementing the recommended treatment solutions.
  • Operational Requirements: Guidelines for operating and maintaining the treatment system.

5. Compliance and Regulatory Assessment:

  • Compliance Status: Evaluation of how the treated wastewater meets regulatory discharge standards and environmental requirements.
  • Permit Requirements: Recommendations for obtaining necessary permits and approvals based on the treatment solutions.

6. Cost Analysis:

  • Cost Estimates: Estimated costs for implementing and operating the recommended treatment solutions, including capital and operational expenses.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Analysis of the costs relative to the benefits and efficiency of the proposed treatment options.

7. Risk Assessment:

  • Risk Analysis: Identification and assessment of potential risks and challenges associated with the treatment solutions.
  • Mitigation Strategies: Recommendations for mitigating identified risks and ensuring successful implementation.

8. Recommendations for Further Research:

  • Additional Studies: Suggestions for any further studies or research needed to refine or validate the treatment solutions.
  • Pilot Testing: Recommendations for pilot testing or scaling up the treatment processes before full-scale implementation.

9. Training and Support:

  • Training Plan: Recommendations for training staff on the operation and maintenance of the proposed treatment systems.
  • Support Services: Information on available support services, including technical assistance and troubleshooting.

10. Appendices and Supporting Documentation:

  • Technical Appendices: Additional technical details, methodologies, and data analysis notes.
  • References: List of references and sources used during the study.

By providing these deliverables, PRAKRRITI ENTERPRISES ensures that you have the comprehensive information needed to make informed decisions about wastewater treatment solutions. If you have specific requirements or questions about the deliverables for your treatability study, please contact us to discuss your needs.

Treatability studies can be conducted either on-site or remotely, depending on the specific needs of the project and the nature of the wastewater being studied. Here’s a breakdown of both approaches:

1. On-Site Treatability Studies:


  • Direct Measurement: Allows for real-time, direct measurement of wastewater characteristics and conditions.
  • Site-Specific Conditions: Provides an accurate assessment of site-specific factors, such as temperature, flow rates, and operational conditions.
  • Immediate Adjustments: Facilitates immediate adjustments to sampling and testing procedures based on observed conditions.
  • Practical Insights: Offers practical insights into the implementation of treatment systems and potential challenges on-site.

Processes Involved:

  • Sampling: Collecting samples directly from the wastewater source or treatment system.
  • Testing: Conducting physical, chemical, and biological tests on-site or in a nearby mobile laboratory.
  • Equipment Setup: Installing and operating pilot-scale or temporary treatment systems for testing.
  • Observations: Observing and documenting site-specific issues, such as access constraints, environmental factors, and operational practices.

When On-Site is Preferred:

  • When detailed, real-time data is needed for accurate assessment.
  • When specific site conditions or operational factors need to be evaluated.
  • When pilot testing or system trials are required to validate treatment solutions.

2. Remote Treatability Studies:


  • Data Accessibility: Allows for data collection and analysis from a distance, which can be more cost-effective and convenient.
  • Reduced Site Disruption: Minimizes disruption to site operations and reduces the need for extensive on-site presence.
  • Expert Analysis: Enables experts to analyze data and provide recommendations without being physically present.

Processes Involved:

  • Sample Collection: Samples are collected on-site by local personnel and then transported to a laboratory for analysis.
  • Laboratory Testing: Conducting detailed analysis in a controlled laboratory environment, which may provide more accurate results for certain parameters.
  • Remote Monitoring: Using remote sensors or data loggers to monitor parameters and transmit data for analysis.
  • Data Interpretation: Analyzing data remotely and providing recommendations based on laboratory results and remote observations.

When Remote is Preferred:

  • When logistical constraints or safety concerns make on-site testing challenging.
  • When a comprehensive laboratory analysis is required that cannot be performed on-site.
  • When cost savings or reduced site impact is a priority

Hybrid Approach:

In many cases, a hybrid approach combining both on-site and remote methods may be used:

  • Initial On-Site Assessment: Conducting an initial on-site assessment to gather preliminary data and understand site-specific conditions.
  • Remote Analysis: Performing detailed laboratory testing and data analysis remotely.
  • Follow-Up On-Site Work: Conducting follow-up on-site visits if needed to validate findings or test pilot-scale systems.


  • On-Site Treatability Studies: Provide real-time, site-specific data and insights but may be more resource-intensive.
  • Remote Treatability Studies: Offer convenience and cost savings but may require careful handling of samples and data interpretation.
  • Hybrid Approach: Combines the strengths of both on-site and remote methods for a comprehensive assessment.

PRAKRRITI ENTERPRISES can tailor the approach to fit your specific needs, whether through on-site, remote, or a combination of methods. If you have preferences or requirements for your treatability study, please let us know so we can customize our approach accordingly.

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